Smart Work places are the future of better collaboration

Future Design | 07 Nov 2021

The age-old work setting has been innovated several times over the decades.  From cabin-culture to open-door policies, from lateral seating arrangements to face-to-face seating arrangements. From shared working spaces to exclusive campuses, almost every aspect in terms of office setting has been explored intensively.  This scenario is set to change drastically in the coming years due to the newly found and excelled ways of the Work from Home, the work model. 

The revolution is here and it’s time to embrace it. The much-hyped ‘smart work setting’ has become a necessity, rather than an ornamental setting for big corporates. These were typically used as a peg for PR stories and to create hype in the minds of employees and consumers. The focus is now entirely shifted to developing a smart work environment. The reason being, though there will be a dramatic shift in work models, the physical facilities are far from becoming obsolete. 


On the contrary, they are being upgraded to ensure safety, seamless functioning, and most importantly to eliminate time wastage. In the department of safety, the new age furniture is bound to be equipped or could be customizable to meet specific needs. Automatic temperature check might become a garden variety standard issue post the covid era. Dedicated sanitization smart methods are bound to be a part of the new normal. Workplaces will integrate themselves with sensors, scheduling and reservation systems, connected lighting, cameras, digital signage, and audio and video conferencing systems.


The new setting will heavily concentrate on solving the technical issues involved in the day to day working. For example, if the aim is to ensure the smooth functioning of video calls, the administration will try to eliminate every possible obstruction and upgrading the current system. There is an endless technical issue in the current scenario. They will be looked into more carefully, as the corporates are now aware that these minute difficulties cost too much precious human time and mind. A system that provides a steady workflow is cherished by the talent pool. It also has a major impact on retaining employees in the long run. Recent research by S&P 500 found that the companies that bestow their employees with good experience outperform by 122 percent. This will remain a driving factor in the development of the new work model protocols.


The best solution to these uncertain times is designing an office layout that will provide a sense of safety, equipped with smart functionality. The furnishings used in these setups need to be of high durability as they will be facing rigorous cleaning regimes as compared to their previous predecessors. Durability combined with customization option in order to alter the setting as per changing technology is going be a ruling element in the quality of décor that will be utilized in the offices henceforth. It is the décor industry’s job to keep a tight watch on the changing corporate environment. They need to study the trend and provide solutions that will take the novel office setting requisites into consideration and deliver a crisp infrastructure.


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